We finally have the final schedule for the Conference. We have had to repeat it because we are 49 people in the end, so we have had to change some restaurants due to capacity problems. However, we are very happy with the numbers, and excited to welcome you in Madrid . The welcome dinner will be at the Hotel Miguel Ángel. The menu is: Starters: Salmorejo with Torrija de Pan Tumaca and Crispy Jamón Ibérico . Main dish: Sea Bass with Pak Choi, Tomato and Seasonal Mushrooms. Desserts Green Apple small cake with Vanilla Sherbet. Salmorejo is a very typical Spanish dish, and we eat it specially during the summer. It is always nice to have because it is cold, and the weather never is. We will leave you a link here with the recipe, just in case you want to try at home! [ https://www.recetasderechupete.com/salmorejo-cordobes-receta-paso-a-paso/3753/ ] We would like to remind you ...
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